Our future

Kishugu’s mission is to roll out its Integrated Fire Management Service (IFMS) model, developed in South Africa, to the rest of the world to meet this need.

Climate change is causing increased frequency and severity of wildfires, making the need for effective fire management solutions even more urgent to ensure trees survive to maturity when they can be harvested and processed.


Due to forestry mechanisation, there are fewer and fewer workers on plantations, creating a need for a specialised fire management service providers.

A lack of preventative measures and a lack of integration in terms of detection and suppression can have catastrophic results.

Recent examples where reaction times and a lack of prevention, like high fuel loads cost human lives and caused millions of dollars of damage.



Kishugu Holdings (Pty) Ltd has streamlined its approach to target its markets with meaner and leaner service offerings. Through its subsidiaries, these four business units each has their own strategies to address its target markets to suit their specific needs in terms of aviation, fleet management and training.

About Us

Kishugu is a leading private Integrated Fire Management Solutions (IFMS) company in the world.

Group Profile

The world has passed the point of no return. One of the major effects of global warming is climate change, and therefore a drastic increase in wildfires. Kishugu has, over the past decade, developed strategies and solutions to mitigate the risks of wildfire. According to a study by the Columbia University, climate change had doubled Western U.S. forest fires.

Kishugu History

Kishugu Holdings and its subsidiaries are growing beyond its borders to provide so much more than just firefighting.