Thanks so much to Jeff Ayliffe

Thanks so much to Jeff Ayliffe

Thanks so much to Jeff Ayliffe who visited our pilots and for doing such an amazing radio interview with them! Your hand stand looked incredible on our AT802.   Jeff Ayliffe Interview From...
How Does Everyone Feel About Climate Change?

How Does Everyone Feel About Climate Change?

A recent global survey on the thoughts and feelings of humans, concerning climate change and its effects, was recently released by YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, that has made a science of global online surveying. This particular study is compiled...
Aerial firefighting resources saved the day

Aerial firefighting resources saved the day

To share positive stories about our firefighters, whether it’s ground or aerial teams, is never too late. Even if years have passed. Sometimes we don’t realise the impact which fire disasters have on people, and when they tell their stories as they have experienced...