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Wildfire expert from Spain analyzes fires in Chile
The wildfires that have occurred in Chile over the last two months have attracted the attention of meteorologists, climate scientists, and wildland fire managers worldwide. During the current statistical period which runs from July through June the blazes have burned...

Negative impact of invasive alien plants
Visuals of fires and the destruction they caused are burned into our memories year after year. It is a stark reminder that fires do not discriminate against anything or anyone that lays in its path. Many of South Africa's diverse and unique indigenous vegetation are...

Firescape your home – before it’s too late
Recent, destructive, wildland fires in the Western Cape have highlighted, as never before, the need for homeowners to take simple, yet carefully planned measures to protect their living environment from the threat of unwanted wildfire. Homes of every kind, from...

Kishugu Aviation pilots battle Cape inferno
Fighting wildfires from the sky is filled with great risk to the pilots, but that risk is far outweighed by the rewards that come with saving lives and property. This according to Kishugu Aviation pilots who have been battling the Cape infernos for much of January....