Risk Line
Accountability is extremely important to the Kishugu Group and as a result it is listed as one of our core values.

Being accountable means that the Kishugu group takes responsibility for all its actions. To be able to do this, we need your help. We need our employees to speak up when malpractices are taking place: fraudulent, corrupt and unethical behaviour.
In 2017, Kishugu introduced an ethic-line to all its companies via the independent third party KPMG. At the beginning of the new financial year, the Kishugu Group will be moving its ethics line to a new, high-quality service provider – WHISTLE BLOWERS Pty Ltd.
“Having an ethics line is extremely important to the Kishugu Group and all its subsidiaries,” says Tony Mancos, Group Executive for Governance and Risk. “It gives concerned employees the opportunity to anonymously report incidents or activities that could harm the reputation of the Group and negatively affect our operations in the future.”
The Kishugu Group encourages all the employees across its subsidiaries to help protect the Group’s reputation and integrity by making use of the free and anonymous company ethics line.